Dedicated to the Rescue, Welfare and Adoption of Homeless Cats Number 23
Published Quarterly by Animal Umbrella, P.O. Box 2675, Acton MA
Why Cats Need Companionship |
who has ever owned a cat or a dog is familiar with their human-like
traits. Cats, although
commonly known for their individualistic personalities, show near human
sensitivity and a great sense of perception. Because
of their sensitivity, most cats are very social animals and are happier
if (in most cases) they have companions of their own.
Although they appreciate human companionship, they also need to
interact with other animals ( cats or dogs or sometimes even more exotic
animals) to give and
receive comfort. If
you add a companion to your cat's life, you will prolong its physical
and mental health. A cat
who is left alone at home all day (because its owners are at work)
is more destructive on the furniture, carpets, curtains etc. as it will
use all its energy on them. Frequently,
it can become depressed and anxious and tend to overeat. When a cat has a companion, it will be playing with the new
animal more frequently thus getting more exercise and distraction.
Cats also enjoy grooming each other as |
display of love towards the
other individual. Grooming is often done just before both animals fall
asleep totally relaxed, next to each other. Compatible
animals bond after living with each other for many years.
We have heard from many people about their cats grieving for
weeks after the loss of another companion animal.
Sometimes the grieving was so intense that the animal gave up and
died. Animals
need each other for comfort, love and company just as much as human
beings do. Seldom, an
animal will be so antisocial that it will not bond with another animal.
In most cases however, cats if properly introduced to another pet
and if treated with the same TLC of before, will adjust to the new comer
and thrive with the new relationship. If you have a single cat please consider adopting another one. You will prolong its life and give a loving home to another needy abandoned animal Annamarie Taylor |
have recently received a letter from a caring Salem animal lover who
adopted Gaby, one of the many strays we rescue,
care for and adopt out
every year. Gaby has joined a family of other animals as shown in the
photo they sent us. They
wrote: As
you can see, she is very happy, our dog Dinero is like a big brother to
her along with our other two cats she plays happily with!
We love Gaby very much. She
is a wonderful addition to our family!
Thank you for our wonderful new angel.
Keep up the good work! We
thank Daphne for her sweet kind words and are delighted that Gaby is
living in such a loving home. These happy endings make our work
worthwhile and encourage us to continue our rescue efforts. Gaby
taking a rest with her new big brother Dinero. |