Animal Umbrella Messenger
Spring 2000 Special Section!

Save an Abandoned Cat
From the Streets Campaign

Please help our rescue efforts by saving one of the many abandoned cats and kittens languishing hungry, sick and scared in the streets of Massachusetts.

With your $75.00 donation, Animal Umbrella will trap, spay/neuter, test, vaccinate and care for one of them until it is adopted - no matter its handicap.

Remember that Animal Umbrella is a strictly no kill organization! We even save injured, old, feral (after being socialized), FIV or FELV positive animals, rehabilitate them and find them a home!

Clarence was found in the backyard of a 90 year old man. Because of a severe injury his eye could not be saved. He was filthy and malnourished but at one time his life he must have had an owner because he is so friendly and loving. Now that we have rehabilitated him, we have found a very special home for him.

Yes, I want to sponsor the rescue of an abandoned animal and save his life! Enclosed is my tax deductible contribution of:
[] $75.00 _____________________________________________
Other _____________________________________________
Name _____________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________
City/Town _____________________ Zip Code________________
Telephone _____________________________________________
I am interested in volunteering [ ]
I am a member [ ]

Please mail to Animal Umbrella
P.O. Box 2675
Acton, MA 01720-6675

One Neptune Blvd, Lynn, MA 01720-6675
Located on the second floor of the North Shore
Animal Hospital Please use the side entrance